Why This Book ?
Can this book make you rich?

This book is very different from what you have seen, and employs a very different approach. Thus it can help you towards real wealth or financial independence in a very simple and credible way. The methods are those used by one of the country's best investors, with a documented record, resulting in huge gains over many years.
4 Critical Factors

BASM: The four factors that all the great companies as well as the greatest stocks have in common. Learning to recognize great BASM is key to becoming wealthy....


Countless people around the globe go to bed at night, or get up in the morning, with a thought, dream, plan or scheme to become rich. Often, those thoughts involve interest in stocks, since so many people who are rich got there through common stock investing.

The concept of "really rich" to most investors means wealthy enough to be financially independent. For thousands of years people in all lands have dreamed of real wealth. Sometimes they only dreamed and schemed, sometimes they speculated, and sometimes they found a way that truly worked.


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Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street - InterviewFew growth-stock managers could match Frederick Kobrick in the 1990s. As Louis Rukeyser wrote in November 1999, Fred was "one of the finest managers of the entire bull market"; Peter Lynch calls him "one of the best stockpickers I have ever met." After 14 years as an alalyst and portfolio manager at Wellington...


"I have read over 30 books on investing but this is the first one I have ever read that I believe can truly help make me rich."

- Daniel B., Columbus, Ohio.